Victory Hill Church

Victory Hill Church
Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What happens to you when you die? Week 4

As Christians, it's important for us to realize we aren't perfect, and our sins are no better than someone who hasn't yet decided to follow Christ. 

However, it's easy for us to get caught up in our works. We start trying to measure our good Christian deeds against someone who isn't saved. 

Pastor Trey compared it to getting tickets at Chuck E. Cheese. You could literally spend $1,000 on games at Chuck E. Cheese, and win arm fulls of tickets, but what are those tickets worth? Nothing, outside of Chuck E. Cheese. You can't cash in those tickets to put a down payment on a car, or to pay your electric bill. Those tickets are worthless for anything except a cheep toy at Chuck E. Cheese. 

In the same way, we try to present our deeds and good works as something of value. Do you know what the Bible says about that? Isaiah 64:6 tells us that even our most righteous acts, are as filthy rags when presented to our Savior. Why? Because by our own actions, we will never be good enough. It is ONLY through the blood of Jesus that we can even approach God at all. Our best is worthless without Salvation. 

But then why do we act as if our best is actually something to brag about? We present our tickets (our filthy rags) as if it makes us better than those without. This is why some people feel as if they have to fix themselves before coming to Christ. 

Christ desires you, just as you are. Are you shacking up? Come to Jesus. Are you gay? Come to Jesus. Jesus didn't say whoever comes to me and is heterosexual will be saved. He simply some come. 

What if instead of pointing out peoples sins, and telling them to stop sinning, we instead simply told them to start following Jesus? 

What if instead of giving them a list of things they can't do, we start celebrating their own realizations and recognition's and steps in Christ? 

We are all saved by grace. God loves you and desires you, regardless of any mistakes. You don't have to try and fix all your mistakes, he desires you just as you are, but he loves us too much to leave us that way. 

So this week, I challenge everyone to stop presenting their tickets (filthy rags) as something worthy, and start presenting ourselves as sinners saved by grace. 

Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe God raise him you will be saved.

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