Victory Hill Church

Victory Hill Church
Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What happens to you when you die? Week 1

On the last Sunday in August, we started a new series that is sure to be very eye opening. Pastor Nathan has addressed the questions of what happens when we die.

Do a google search of what people believe will happen to you when you die, and you will find a broad variety of answers, from reincarnation to absolutely nothing. But one truth remains the same no  matter what each person believes; death is inevitable and it will happen to all of us at one point or another.

Now, as Christians, we believe in what the Bible says to be true, that when we die, we will then go to one of two places... Heaven or Hell. And this isn't dependent upon how good or bad we are, but completely based on whether or not we become a follower of Christ.

Even knowing intellectually that death is inevitable, it seems that it's not something we necessarily live out every single day. Why? Because, well death isn't a fun thing to think about. We equate death with finality and sadness over losing someone we care for. We watch the news and see crazy things about death and people dying in a variety ways, but we still don't want to think about it happening to us or someone we love.

How might we live our lives differently if we woke up every morning knowing and understanding the possibility that this day could be our last?  Might we make amends more quickly, love more sincerely, and spread the gospel with less fear?

The reality is that today very well could be your last. As Pastor pointed out, tents are temporary. Tents don't last, and neither will our earthly bodies.

While all this death talk can sound rather depressing, the awesome part is that it isn't the end of the story. Because Jesus walked through death, we can too! His sacrifice for our sins, gives us the opportunity to live eternally with Him. While these earthly bodies (tents) were not made to last, our spirits were made to last forever. And as Christians, we have the exciting truth, that death isn't the end, but rather just the beginning to our eternal lives.

If you are interested in hearing more about what happens to you after you die, consider attending Victory Hill Church this coming Sunday. We have services at 9:30am and 11:00am. We would love to see you there!

"All I know is i'm not home yet, this is not where I belong. Take this world and give me Jesus, this is not where I belong." -Building 429

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