Victory Hill Church

Victory Hill Church
Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ

Monday, October 19, 2015

I Love The 90's Week 3

The Formula For Growth

In the final week of the I love the 90's series, we at Victory Hill Church have a lot to celebrate! One great thing to celebrate was that Michele, our Pastor's wife, was able to go home after open heart surgery. Another thing to celebrate is that we have had 11 salvation's in the last two Sunday Mornings!

When we are in elementary school, we begin learning about formulas and the basics of Algebra. It's so confusing, because just when you think you are getting this whole math thing figured out, they start mixing in the alphabet! Pastor Trey was able to bring back our elementary school horrors, and show us how we can apply formulas to our spiritual growth.

Passive Progress 
Many times in our lives, both spiritually and not, we find ourselves pondering things we should be doing. Maybe getting involved in ministry, losing weight, or saving more money. Just thinking about doing it will not accomplish much. Many times we have good intentions and even plans to accomplish something, but never quite get around to it. We will never get to where we want to go by continuing to be passive.

Proactive = Progress
There comes a time in your life when you must decide that you are no longer going to be passive, but that you are going to start being proactive. We can dream and think and wish something all day long, but nothing will ever change until we pursue those dreams, until we become proactive.

The enemy uses tools to keep us from becoming proactive. These tools are deception and destruction. So many people around us are being deceived. We can either continue to remain quiet (passive) or choose to share Christ (proactive).

However sometimes we as Christians get confused when it comes to being proactive. If our neighbors house is one fire it would be crazy to say "Well, I'm just going to pray for you." We would need to take action, we would call the fire department, try to see if anyone was home, we would be proactive. Then why do we do just the opposite when it comes to spiritual matters? We simply say that you are going to say a prayer, when maybe God's intention was for you to be the answer to that prayer. We have been created with so much power, the Bible even says we won't simply have the ability to do works as Jesus did, but works GREATER than he did.

It's time for us to do something.

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