You know what I love about my church? Is that our pastors and leaders can take simple things like NASCAR and relate it to our spiritual lives. We have been talking about auto racing for several weeks, but we aren't really talking about auto racing. We are talking about our spiritual lives and how to win the race when it comes to eternity.
Some of the things in we have learned in previous weeks during this series is qualifying for the race and making adjustments.
There are many parts of racing team; the owner, sponsor, crew chief, coaches, pit crew, the car, and the driver. The race wouldn't be possible without each part of this team. In the same way, we are all part of God's racing team; the body of Christ. We are all vital members to the body. We all have different roles and different opportunities to make a difference, but know whatever your role is, that you are important to this team.
In racing, and in real life, everything doesn't always go exactly how you planned. But an important part of picking yourself up from the times when you get off course, is having the right pit crew, so to speak.
This series has focused a lot on making sure we make bible reading a priority in our everyday lives. Knowing God's word is so important to not only our own walk with Christ, but also for being able to reach out to others. How can we make a difference in the lives of others, if we don't even study the word?
We are getting prepared for a big season at Victory Hill Church. During the back to school season, many churches see a rise in attendance, and our desire is to see so many unchurched and unsaved people come to Christ. How can you be part of this? One way is to complete Growth track, and to start serving, because as we grow, we will need more volunteers to fulfill ministry needs. Another way you can be a apart of what is happening at Victory Hill is to participate in the upcoming 21 days of prayer that is beginning August 2nd. We will be praying for different things throughout these 21 days together as a church, and I for one am excited to see the amazing things God is going to do when we all get together and make prayer priority.
We are all part of this team, and its time we all begin to do our part to be successful.
James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says!
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