Victory Hill Church

Victory Hill Church
Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Race Day week 4

You know what I love about my church? Is that our pastors and leaders can take simple things like NASCAR and relate it to our spiritual lives. We have been talking about auto racing for several weeks, but we aren't really talking about auto racing. We are talking about our spiritual lives and how to win the race when it comes to eternity.

Some of the things in we have learned in previous weeks during this series is qualifying for the race and making adjustments.

There are many parts of racing team; the owner, sponsor, crew chief, coaches, pit crew, the car, and the driver. The race wouldn't be possible without each part of this team. In the same way, we are all part of God's racing team; the body of Christ. We are all vital members to the body. We all have different roles and different opportunities to make a difference, but know whatever your role is, that you are important to this team.

In racing, and in real life, everything doesn't always go exactly how you planned. But an important part of picking yourself up from the times when you get off course, is having the right pit crew, so to speak.

This series has focused a lot on making sure we make bible reading a priority in our everyday lives. Knowing God's word is so important to not only our own walk with Christ, but also for being able to reach out to others. How can we make a difference in the lives of others, if we don't even study the word?

We are getting prepared for a big season at Victory Hill Church. During the back to school season, many churches see a rise in attendance, and our desire is to see so many unchurched and unsaved people come to Christ. How can you be part of this? One way is to complete Growth track, and to start serving, because as we grow, we will need more volunteers to fulfill ministry needs. Another way you can be a apart of what is happening at Victory Hill is to participate in the upcoming 21 days of prayer that is beginning August 2nd. We will be praying for different things throughout these 21 days together as a church, and I for one am excited to see the amazing things God is going to do when we all get together and make prayer priority.

We are all part of this team, and its time we all begin to do our part to be successful.

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Stand with Israel

It seems that our world is in some scary times.

It seems that many of us would rather close our eyes and plug our ears when it comes to the events happening in the world. Being informed makes us worry. Being informed keeps us up at night. But being inform also requires us to pick a side in the debates. When we are informed we can no longer sit back and let things happen. When we become informed, we have to become involved. So we avoid it many times.

Our nation is in the midst of a very potentially dangerous deal with Iran. Pastor Nathan attended the Christians United for Israel Summit this past week and came back with so much information about what is going on.

Silence in the face of evil, is evil itself: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak, is to speak. Not to act is to act. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

It's easy to ignore what is going on the world. We just turn off the news and continue to live our lives as if nothing is happening. It is time as Christians we make the decision to be informed and to make a difference.

The most important thing you can do is to pray. Pray for our nation and pray for Israel.

It is also important that we stand with Israel, and stay informed. One way you can do this is by joining to get information about what is going on, and ways you can personally make a difference.

It may be scary times, but the amazing thing is, God is still God. He isn't shocked by what is going on. It didn't surprise him that our leaders are contemplating making this treaty. He is still in control. Jesus is still seated at the right hand of God. As Christians, we can find faith and comfort in knowing that whatever the future holds, that we know our God still holds the future.

2 Chronicles 7:14 "Then if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and restore their land".

Monday, July 13, 2015

Race Day Week 3

How awesome is it that we have such amazing leaders that even if our Pastor is gone for a week, we have an amazing service that goes off without a hitch? Pastor Nathan is in Washington, DC for the Christians United for Israel conference, and while we always miss our Pastor when he is away, we got the opportunity to hear from Youth Pastor Trey Harper.

This Race Day series has been focused on NASCAR and relating the spiritual aspects to our lives, but if you are anything like Pastor Trey, NASCAR just isn't your thing. However, regardless of your like or dislike for this sport, these messages have been very applicable to all of our lives.

1 Corinthians 9:24 "Do you not know that in a race all runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."

These verse is not politically correct in today's society. In order to protect our Children's fragile emotions, everyone gets a trophy, even the team that comes in dead last. Why? Because we don't want to harm their self esteem, we don't want to scar them for life, and we definitely don't want them feeling sorry for themselves. Everyone is a winner, but that isn't reality. In reality there are winners and there are losers. But too many of us still have that everyone win's mentality as we have grown older.

Guess what, this isn't little league anymore, and just as the verse in Corinthians states, not everyone is going to win. So what if as Christians we weren't simply in it for the participation trophy, what if we were actually in it to win it? What if we made the conscious decision every day to win, rather than simply participate?

1 Corinthians 9:36 "Therefore, I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air."

You see, we sometimes get distracted by temporary/earthly accomplishments. Our progress towards Christ should be so much more important. Discipline is the only thing that will get us closer to Christ. Trying and training are not the same things. Trying occurs when it's convenient. Training occurs no matter what.

Here are some ways you can start training TODAY!
Read your Bible every day for at least 10 min, Become a Dream Team Member, and Join a small group.

Realize that discipline is your responsibility. It isn't your spouse or your pastor or you friend's job to make sure that you remain and continue to be disciplines in your pursuit of Christ.

What if we were all in it to win it as Christians? How might we change the world?

It is all up to you.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Race Day Week 2

Sometimes the hardest part for any of us when we have a problem, is actually admitting we have a problem.

We may feel as if certain sins or struggles should be beneath us because we are Christians, so we find it difficult to own up to it when we are failing in certain areas of our lives.

We are all sinners in need of a savior, and the sooner you start to evaluate your life, the sooner God can start to work a miracle in you.

When something is wrong with your car, you raise the hood and see what is causing the problem. Many of us need to do the same thing in our lives, we need to take some time to raise the hood and diagnose the issues at hand. But it takes an honest look at yourself. This will be completely ineffective if you are set on lying to yourself about what you find. When you are ready, ask yourself these questions honestly.

1. What hinders me? The first thing that most of us might think of us is sin, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a sin to hinder you.  It can be certain people who are a negative influence on you, it could be dating the wrong people, it could be the places you go, the music you listen to, or the television shows you watch. None of which are in the bible under a "THOU SHALL NOT", however we would be naive to think that these things can't and won't hinder us in our walk with Christ.

2. What is my primary area of temptation? These are hard questions that none of us really want to dwell on I am sure, but when you know the answer to these questions, you will know better how to fight off the temptation or how to stay away from it entirely. We all fail, and we all have things that tempt us. But you don't have to be overwhelmed by your temptations. you can overcome. 1 Corinthians 10 tells us that God will never allow you to be tempted more than you can handle. Discipline is the difference between average and abundance.

3. Where am I in my walk with Jesus? Have you become comfortable with simply coming to church on Sundays? You cannot effectively keep your eyes on Christ without spending time with him praying and reading His word. Read your bible for at least 10 minutes a day. Join a small group to help keep you accountable in your walk with Christ.

God did not intend for us to live life frustrated and confused and accusing. He came to give us life, and life more abundantly. But God is a gentleman and He will not force Himself on you. So be honest with yourself about the issues in your life, and start today working towards a fresh start.

Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witness, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."