Sunday's message was not the one Pastor Nathan originally had planned, but when God speaks, it's so reassuring to know we have a pastor who is ready to listen and change the plan.
We are living in crazy times. In television media, social media, and print media its difficult to view without seeing what a desperate state our world is in.
But here is what you need to know.
You need to know that the supreme court's ruling doesn't change anything. God's word is still God's word. We are still commanded to speak truth and speak life and love one another. Love didn't win last week. Love won 2,000 years ago on the Cross on Calvary.
People are so afraid of being politically incorrect that they refuse to take a stand (and by taking a stand, I don't mean spouting out your opinion on your Facebook wall).
It's OK to believe in God's word, and it's OK to have a different opinion than the rest of the world. Jesus spent time with sinners. Does this mean he agreed with what they were doing or how they lived their lives? No. I don't imagine Jesus being homophobic, and I can't imagine sinners wanting to spend time with him if all he did was tell them they were going to Hell.
Jesus loved people, and in loving people when given the opportunity, corrected people in love.
So, what can you do? Pray for your nation. Pray for your lost friends and family. Repent of your sins. Stand firm on God's word.
“Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.” Rick warren